The people monitoring me in private keep ruining everything, acting all confident and energized and in control but like they're ticked at me for not thinking I deserve to be abused indefinitely and maybe because I was fed up with them when they are so mean if any little thing goes wrong and because of it showed physical anger in private in proximity of something to do with a European Late Baby Boomer lady I'm supposedly supposed to have a "relationship" with.
Like the Orlando area, the Cleveland area knows about her and keeps thinking about her.
She was gonna make me feel better, but Cleveland tortured her because I masturbated.
I am having a hard time feeling like living, and I just get beat by the people monitoring me in private, like they're cornering me and shouting out excuses that the lady did it, like it has to satisfy them. They use special tactics supposedly from Ellen DeGeneres, like they get by without getting in trouble. They don't feel guilty. They must be racist, too, and act like fat Italian ladies with problems.